The pipeline parameter

Most of the pipelines shown here, use a set of parameters and configuration settings that are taken from several sources.

This table documents the different names these parameters appear under, how and where they are defined/passed into the pipleine, and how to determine which values to specify.

Webhook Parameters

These values are passed via the ISPW Webhook. Each pipeline is setup as parameterized to accept the corresponding values as input.

The first column contains the name as configured in the Jenkins job configuration. The follwoing columns show the variable names used within the code of the corresponding .jenkinsfile/.groovy file.

Jenkins configuration Basic Pipeline Shared Library Examples Combined Pipelines Source / Name of parameter passed by Webhook Description
ISPW_Stream ISPW_Stream ispwStream ispwStream $$stream$$ ISPW stream
ISPW_Application ISPW_Application ispwApplication ispwApplication $$application$$ ISPW application
ISPW_Release ISPW_Release ispwRelease ispwRelease $$release$$ ISPW release - depending on the circumstances, the release may be empty
ISPW_Assignment ISPW_Assignment ispwAssignment ispwAssignment $$assignment$$ ISPW assignment
ISPW_Set_id not used ispwSet ispwSet $$set$$ ISPW set that was created for a specific operation, like generateor promote
ISPW_Src_Level ISPW_Src_Level ispwSrcLevel ispwSrcLevel $$level$$ Level in the ISPW life cycle
ISPW_Owner ISPW_Owner ispwOwner ispwOwner $$owner$$ TSO user id of the user performing the ISPW operation triggering webhook
ISPW_Operation not used not used ISPW_Operation $$operation$$ Operation in ISPW triggering the webhook, like generateor promote


The ISPW_Operation in the combined example is not used by the two scripts performing the work, but used in the calling code to determine which of the two scripts to call.

Configuration parameters

These parameters are dependent on environment and configuration. Unlike the previous set of parameters, they will not differ from build to build, and may all be consitent for every job/pipeline in the installation.


To determine where in your configuration to define and set any of these parameters, you should ask yourself:

  • Is the value likely to change between different implementations of Jenkins jobs using the same code? In that case it should rather be a pipeline parameter using a default or be set on the call.
  • Is the value likely to remain the same across all jobs? In that case it should be set in the script or via a configuration file.
  • Should the value be "hidden" from users? In that case it should be set in the script or via a configuration file.

Jenkins configuration / pipeline script call

Jenkins configuration Basic Pipeline variable Shared Library variable Description / Value to use
CES_Token CES_Token cesToken Token defined in CES (clear text)
Jenkins_CES_Token Jenkins_CES_Token jenkinsCesToken ID of Jenkins (secret text) credentials for the CES token
HCI_Conn_ID HCI_Conn_ID hciConnectionId Jenkins ID of the HCI connection to use
HCI_Token HCI_Token hciToken ID of Jenkins (userid and password) credentials for TSO user ID and password
CC_Repository CC_Repository ccRepository Code Coverage repository dataset to use for Code Coverage data collection during test execution.
Git_Project Git_Project gitProject Name of the GitHub project used to store Topaz for Total Test repositories. (GitHub repository URLs are of the form<project>/<repository>)
Git_Credentials Git_Credentials gitCredentials ID of Jenkins (userid and password) credentials for the GitHub repository used to store Topaz for Total Test assets

Set in script / via pipelineConfig.yml

Note 1

The code of the Shared Library examples reads the content of the pipelineConfig.yml file into variable pipelineConfig. As a result, a parameter from this file gets reffered to by adding this variable name to the path of the parameter, e.g. pipelineConfig.git.url.

Note 2

Some of the values for the paramters below are fixed by the plugins or tools generating the values.

Basic Pipeline pipelineConfig.yml Description / Value to use Fixed value if applicable
Git_URL git.url URL to the git repository server. In the examples In the basic example the value is set to the GitHub URL plus the GIT_Project
Git_Ttt_Repo git.tttRepoExtension Basic pipeline: Full name of the TTT repository, built from the ISPW_Stream, ISPW_Application and the extension '_Total_Tests.git'. Shared Library: The extension to use to build the repository name.
Git_Branch git.branch Branch of the Git repository to use for Topaz for Total Tests
SQ_Scanner_Name sq.scannerName Name of the SonbarQube scanner as defined in the Jenkins Global Tool Configuration
SQ_Server_Name sq.serverName Name of the SonarQube server as defined in the Jenkins System Configuration
MF_Source ispw.mfSourceFolder Name of the workspace folder containing the sources downloaded from the mainframe 'MF_Source' (set by ISPW downloader plugin)
XLR_Template xlr.template Name of the XL Release release template to trigger after successful execution of a 'promote pipeline'
XLR_User xlr.user Name of the credentials defined with the XL Release configuration
TTT_Base_Folder ttt.general.folder Name of workspace folder to clone the Topaz for Total Test repository into. Creating a separate sub folder simplifies using the Topaz for Total Test step.
TTT_Vt_Folder ttt.virtualized.folder Sub folder of the test base folder containing virtualized test scenarios. Pointing the Topaz for Total Test step to this sub folder allows targeted execution of virtualized tests only.
TTT_Vt_Environment ttt.virtualized.environment ID of an environment defined in the CES repository for Topaz for Total Test. This will execute only scenarios (.context files) matching the environemnt.
ttt.virtualized.targetSonarResults In case several Topaz for Total Test steps are executed within one build, the results file of any previous step would be replaced by the most current version. To prevent this, the examples rename the original file into this new name.
ttt.nonVirtualized.folder Sub folder of the test base folder containing non virtualized test scenarios. Pointing the Topaz for Total Test step to this sub folder allows targeted execution of virtualized tests only.
ttt.nonVirtualized.environment ID of an environment defined in the CES repository for Topaz for Total Test. This will execute only scenarios (.context files) matching the environemnt.
ttt.nonVirtualized.targetSonarResults In case several Topaz for Total Test steps are executed within one build, the results file of any previous step would be replaced by the most current version. To prevent this, the examples rename the original file into this new name.
TTT_Sonar_Results_File ttt.general.sonarResultsFolder + ttt.general.sonarResultsFile Name and path within the workspace of the Topaz for Total Test results file in SonarQube format 'generated.cli.suite.sonar.xml' (set by the Topaz for Total Test plugin)
CES_Url ces.url URL to the CES to use for Topaz for Total Test or ISPW operations and defined in Jenkins System Configuration
ISPW_Runtime ispw.runtime Name of the ISPW runtime configuration to use. Determined by your ISPW administrator.
ISPW_Changed_Programs_File ispw.changedProgramsFile Name of the .json file containing the list of components affected by an ISPW step 'changedPrograms.json' (set by ISPW plugins)